Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Time is so little

I have just found out that one of the children that I taught as a 3 year old was killed in car accident on Saturday. With this I am reminded of how short life is and that every moment is very precious.

Carter Mayes was only 6 years old. He has an older brother Cooper7, and a little sister Maggie 5, I know that they hurting because of the loss of Carter. But Cooper may have said it best when he was interviewed by the local news station, "When I get to heaven I'm going to have a welcome back Carter party", Cooper at 7 knows that this life is not forever. Cooper and the rest of the Mayes family have the comfort of knowing that Carter is now in the arms of God.

Carter was like most kids, he would say "When I grow up..." he had dreams. How many of us did the same thing? I know I did. But who of us knows exactly how much time we have on this earth? None of us know the exact amount of time that God will give us. Time is precious, time is limited.

During this busy time of year, with all the holiday hustle and bustle. I want to say this maybe during this time of year instead of running to the store to buy one more gift, or running out the door to make it to one more holiday party, we take time to spend with our families in worship to God. God gave us Jesus so that we could spend an eternity with him, and God gave us every minute of our lives. In both of these gifts God also gave us the comfort of knowing that when we die it is the end of our time on earth but it is the beginning of our eternity with him. This Christmas season take time to be with your family and  to teach your family of God's love. In teaching them these things we can be like Carter's brother Cooper and say when a loved one dies "When I get to heaven I am going to have a welcome back Carter party."